If you're using EventsAir Pay powered by Airwallex, the Customer Success team will let you know when they've configured your EventsAir Pay integration and account. This will be set up for all your events in Application Setup.
If you're using EventsAir Pay powered by Stripe, the Customer Success team will give you instructions on how to set up EventsAir Pay in Application Setup, for all your events.
Now, add EventsAir Pay to your event by going to the Setup Panel, and Event >> Preferences.
Under External Connections, select the correct option from the EventsAir Pay Account dropdown. You'll also need to fill in an E-Commerce Reference, if you haven't already. (This is for your internal use, so that when payments come in you know which event they're from.)
Next, you'll need to go into Financial and add a new Payment Type with the Funding Type of EventsAir Pay.
NOTE: If you're charging fees on your payments, set these up now, before you add your payment type to your interactive sites, to ensure these fees will be added to all payments.
In EventsAir Pay, you can't add different fees for different credit cards - you need to have the same fee for all cards.
In your interactive site, open your payment page and tick the "Enable EventsAir Pay" box.
You'll also need to set the Label and Start Checkout Button Text.
Once you've enabled your gateway it's important to test that you can make and receive payments.
Remember to disable "Test mode" before your event goes live, and clear any test transactions from your event.