Attendee photos are stored in AirDrive (the cloud repository of files that automatically stores uploaded images, photos, and files).
You can access AirDrive from the Menu (Global Tools menu) at the top right of your EventsAir screen.
Examples of files that are automatically stored in AirDrive when they're uploaded:
Contact Module
Attendee photos
Custom field uploaded documents
Exhibitor documents and files
Sponsor documents and files
Presentation documents and files
Setup Panel
Hotel photos
Room type photos
If you've created an Event Website, files may automatically be uploaded here in the Event Website folder.
You can also add folders and files yourself to the below:
General files
Any uploadable file or image - you can create as many subfolders as you want.
Office files
Similar to general files - you can upload files/images specific to an office (if you're running EventsAir as a multi-office environment).
NOTE: You can ONLY create subfolders and/or directly upload files into AIRDrive under either General or Office.
When you select the AIRDrive icon, it will open and you'll see three panels:
Left-hand panel – Folders and files:
Under the folder list, use the arrows to the left of each folder to expand it. You can keep doing this for sub-folders until you see the files and folders you want. (For example, the Photos folder is under Contact, which is under Contact Files, which is under the Event name folder).
There are two buttons at the bottom of the folders panel:
Add Folder button – creates a new sub-folder to General or Office folders.
Delete Folder button - this will only be available if an empty sub-folder is selected.
Middle panel – files list (when a folder is selected):
You'll see checkboxes allowing you to select one or more files (or all files if you choose the checkbox at the top). You'll also see four buttons at the bottom:
Upload File button – this is only enabled when a folder (or sub-folder) is selected, under either General or Office. You can upload directly from your computer or drag and drop from your file manager directly into the AIR Drive folder.
Delete button – enabled when one or more files is selected (you can delete multiple files at the same time if they’re all selected). You can only delete files via AIRDrive they were uploaded via AIRDrive (i.e. not things like attendee photos).
Export button - gives you an export of all file details in an Excel Spreadsheet (which will include direct links to each file).
Download button - will export one or more images and documents to a zip file download
To download all attendee photos, use the top checkbox to select all files, then the Download button. You can also use the Search and Filter functions if needed.
Right-hand panel - Preview, links and information:
Click the name of a file in the middle panel to see the Preview panel.
If this file/image is associated with a contact, you’ll see a Contact Record link (person icon, underlined contact name – indicated by the yellow shading on the screenshot below). You can select this link to jump directly into that contact record.
There is also general information about the file.
The preview panel also has three purple icons:
+ Copy icon – copies the URL (link) for this file to your clipboard.
Download icon (cloud with arrow) – downloads the file.
Delete (rubbish bin icon) – deletes the file, if it was uploaded via AIRDrive (so you can't delete attendee photos from here, for example).