This problem may have a variety of causes - you may want to check any/all of these:
If problem is caused by the Sign In Option settings:
Online Panel
From App Store, select OnAIR Virtual Event Portal
Under Content, select App
For Sign In Option, ensure your preferred option is selected, depending on your security needs
Or, if problem is caused by incorrect registration:
Attendees panel
Locate the contact record for the person trying to sign in
Under Registrations , ensure the contact is correctly registered for the event
Or, if problem is caused by duplicate contact record:
Express Actions panel
Scroll down and select Duplicate Finder
If you’re not sure why the duplicate record exists or what information is on each record, select View for each one. From here, you can either:
For Target Group, select the Filter icon
Select the Apply button (this will filter by all contacts)
For Select Duplicates By , use Primary Email
Select the Apply button
For any duplicates, select the Clean Up button
When cleaning up duplications, you can delete one of the duplicate records, if it’s definitely not needed
Set one as the main record and select Merge to Main for the other. Be careful not to override any important information when you merge, and check for any double-ups in function registrations when you are finished.
7. Select the Update button
To check to see the issue is fixed, go back to Attendees panel
1. Locate the contact record for the person trying to sign in
2. Select Tools (spanner/wrench icon)
3. Use Site Auto Login token to check if login details work