These are some general tips on using the Report Editor / Name Badge Editor - you can also search this help site for more information, as there are other articles, videos and FAQs about using these features.
There are multiple different versions of the DevExpress implementation. Make sure you’re looking at the specific one used in EventsAir.
You can also look online for the DevExpress manual should work. Check that you’re using the expression with the correct data types and format.
We can also create customized reports for you – ask your account manager.
Summary Fields
Summary fields are used to quickly and easily show calculations on a report.
COUNTS are used to count the number of records – e.g. Number of People (use with ID field, for example)
SUMS are used to calculate total amounts of a value – e.g. Total Amount Due
Summary fields can be:
At Group level for Subtotals (eg a report may count number of registrations per registration type) AND/OR
At the Report level for Grand Totals.
You can use the Data Explorer in the report editor to locate the fields to summarize and then insert them (e.g. for the example, the Registration Contact ID, the Registration Amount Owing, and the Registration Amount Outstanding).
For each field, use the Properties tab SUMMARY settings:
E.g. to add a count of the total number of attendees registered in each registration type at the bottom of that registration type, as a sub-total:
Running: Group
Function: Count
For the sub-totals of value amounts (e.g. Amount Outstanding) for each registration type, the SUMMARY settings under the Properties tab would be:
Running: Group
Function: Sum
• To create grand totals, you can copy and paste the summaries from the Group Footer section into the Report Footer section.
• Then update the Properties, SUMMARY settings for “Running” from Group to Report for each field. This will create report-level totals.
• Add some text headings to make it clear on the report which is which.
In the finished report you might see something like this:
Calculated Fields
• Calculated fields let you manipulate data using expressions, similar to formulas in Excel
• Logic functions allow creation of IIF/Then/Else, so you can set up different outputs based on data values
• Mathematical operators such as + - * / allow calculations, which can be very useful on financial or statistical reports.
More about expressions
You can ask the report / name badge editor to look for certain information [this is the 'condition'], and format the report or badge a certain way, based on the data.
This is called 'conditional formatting'.
One of the most common conditional formatting expressions is called an "immediate if" or "inline if" expression:
IiF(,,) expressions
The IiF(,,) function needs a data field to tell it what to check against – to see if it’s true or false – and also information about what to do if it’s true and what to do if it’s false.
You can think of it like this:
Iif ([My Data Field], [What to do if True], [What to do if False])
So if we want different background colors for diffferent registration types on a name badge, we might ask the program to “check the Registration Type field to see if says Junior Member; if it does, make the background yellow – otherwise, make it white”.
In this case, our expression would read:
We're using the == to say "if registration type matches exactly with Junior Member", then here's what to do if that's true [add a yellow background], and what to do if it's not true [keep the background white]."
EXAMPLE - Changing format
Let's say we have a report where the “Country” field is inconsistent. Sometimes it’s United States, sometimes USA, a mix of upper case, lower case.
We can use an “if, then” expression to create a rule that says “if the data says United States, please change it to USA on the report”.
Go into Data Source.
Click to create a new calculated field.
Call it New Country Format
Now we create our expression - another “if, then” rule:
Remembering, the first part is the condition – “if such-and-such…”
The second is what to put if the condition is TRUE
The third is what to put if the condition is FALSE.
So if X = y, then do this.
If not, do that.
If Registration Primary Address country field value is United States, then output USA instead. If not, we want to show the original country value.
We can embed multiple statements:
E.g. if country is United States, then output USA, then as a next step, if it’s United Kingdom, say UK.
And then the third option is if it’s neither of those, show the original country.
We can nest IIF THEN statements (making sure the brackets are in the right place).
You’ll get a red line warning if your bracket count is wrong.
Finally, add an UPPER command around the whole expression to output in upper case [capital letters].
Here’s the expression if you want to copy it directly:
UPPER(Iif( [Registration.Contact.Primary Address.Country] =='United States','USA' , (Iif( [Registration.Contact.Primary Address.Country] =='United Kingdom','UK', [Registration.Contact.Primary Address.Country]))))
Now you can insert this new calculated field in place of the previous Country Name field in the report.
When you Save and Preview, all the countries are in upper case; anywhere where it previously said United States, it says USA and anywhere it said United Kingdom, it now says UK.
Using Calculated Fields to search for custom field data
Calculated Fields can return a specific value from a subset of data, where there are multiple records (e.g. find the value in a particular custom field you've set up).
Example - Passport information gathered via Contact Custom Fields
Let's say we had set up a couple of Contact Custom Fields to ask for passport number, and now we want to run a report on that.
When we set up the Custom Field, we'd also add a Unique Code:
In the Report Editor, under Data Source, we'd look for where the data was added - in this case, under Registration, Contact, then Custom Fields.
We want to insert a Calculated Field at the Custom Field level:
And we'll call it "GetPassNum" (for "Get Passport Number"), and then we go into the Expression Editor and create this expression:
[].Sum(Iif( [UniqueCode] =='PASSNUM', [Values.GetValue] ,'' ))
The “Iif statement” in the middle is looking for the unique code for that custom field.
The “GetValue” will pull the value.
When we drag the Calculated Field onto the report, it'll pull the relevant data for each attendee.
Using a Calculated Field to add an image to a badge if the data matches
• Calculated fields can check for (say) a specific function booking and add an image based on that data.
In this example, the ‘drinks’ icon only appears on a badge if that person is attending the networking drinks.
Under Functions, create a Calculated Field called “DRINKS”.
Set up an expression to check for the function called Evening Networking Drinks.
This rule that says if the function name is Evening Networking Drinks, then this calculated field is going to apply.
Here’s the expression if you want to copy it directly:
Sum(Iif([Function.Name] == 'Evening Networking Drinks', 'True', ''))
Drag this calculated field onto your name badge.
Then add a graphic for the DRINKS Calculated Field.
And use the F (formatting) icon to create a Visibility rule for DRINKS.
Here’s the visibility rule expression if you want to copy it directly:
[Functions.Drinks] == 'True'
And then only those who have that Function item will have the icon on their badge.