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EventStream Album App
Updated over 2 months ago

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The EventStream Album is an automated tool that compiles a 'wrap-up' of your event. A musical or other soundtrack of your choice accompanies the most popular images from your EventStream posts in an engaging slideshow format.

The slideshow can be shown at your closing session and/or shared with attendees after your event concludes.

The following settings are available in the EventStream Album app:


As for all apps/portals, you need to set up a name, Alias (URL), brand, live dates, and messaging for before and after the app is live. Read this article for more information.


Changing the wording in the app/portal

Changes made to the default language in Application Settings will affect all events. However, you can still make unique local changes for each portal in each event in the Portal Setup. Read more about Localization.

Content Tab - Settings

Since the EventStream Album App automates the entire production process, there are only a few settings you need to configure:

  • Photo Interval – select the interval, in seconds, that each photo will appear in the Album. You can choose intervals from one to seven seconds.

  • Audio File URL – enter the URL for the audio file (MP3) that you wish to include in your Album soundtrack. It is important to note that the EventStream Album will match the number of images selected or available to the length of your soundtrack.

Tip: This requires a web URL. If you need to use a file from your local hard drive that is not yet online, you can use the new AIR Drive cloud storage solution.

  • Final Text Heading – enter the heading and closing message here. This heading and message is displayed at the end of your video montage.

  • Background – choose the color of your Album background here.

Users Tab

In this tab, you set up who's allowed to access the app or portal. To add a new user, click the plus sign next to App Users, and complete the fields below. When you've finished adding users, press Save.

Note: You must set up Users here before anyone can use this app or portal.

Click on App Users to create a new user, then fill in the following:

  • Email Address

  • Password

  • First Name

  • Last Name

  • Organization

  • User Type - (Leave as Basic - the default. No other user types for this app.)

  • User Level - (Leave as Standard - the default.)

  • Is Disabled - check this to disable the account, so the user cannot sign in.

  • Last Logon - shows the date and time this user last signed in.

Using the EventStream Album

The EventStream Album is used by you, the organizer of the event, to configure the Album for display. There are two options when you first open and log into the Album:

  • Select Photos

  • Start Album

Selecting Photos

There are three indicators across the top of the screen, followed by all of the images uploaded to EventStream during the event. Based on the length of your uploaded audio track, you will see available and remaining time, in minutes and seconds, for each displayed item.

Photo selection options include:

  • Album Duration – this indicator lets you know how long your Album video show will be, based on the length of your previously uploaded MP3 file (in Portal Setup).

  • Photos Selected – this indicator will show you how long your video would last with the photos you have manually selected. If you do not select enough photos to last for the duration of the audio track, the Album App will select additional photos, based on the number of likes, to fill in the length.

  • Most Liked – this indicator will let you know the number of Liked images, and the estimated running length these photos indicate.

How to select images for your EventStream Album

  • Select the photos you definitely want included in the closing Album video. The indicators will let you know when you have used up the length of the audio track.

  • If needed, you can return to the Album settings in the App Store and change the running time for each image.

  • Based on your selected images, the EventStream Album will fill in with additional images as needed to match the running time of the audio track.

Creating the EventStream Album

Choosing the second option, Start Album, starts the automatic Album creation. You will see a 10 second countdown, and you can choose to display the Album live at your event, or you can use a screen recorder to capture the resulting video and audio soundtrack.

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