The new-look EventsAir Version 16 has arrived! If your version of EventsAir hasn't yet been updated, you may see something more like the below.
Your Event Dashboard is your "information central" to keep on top of the key metrics and activity for your meetings and events.
Each small window or "widget", is a user-friendly data point with icons to represent key categories of information. You can customize your Dashboard for each event by dragging into position, adding, or removing widgets. To add a widget, use the New Widget button on the top right of the Dashboard. To remove a widget, select the hamburger menu (four stacked lines) on the top right corner of the widget.
EventsAir includes selection of useful widgets you can add to your dashboard, including:
Data Protection Widget
Floor Plan
Links (shows all interactive sites, event websites, apps and portals)
Targets (percentage actual versus target and actual revenue amount for key categories)
Presentation Paper Status (Accepted or Under Review)
Hotel Room Nights Booked (by hotel)
Room Release
Event Information
Payment Batches
Confirmed Sponsors
Confirmed Presenters
Confirmed Exhibitions
Money Outstanding
Quick Reports
Quick Exports
Saved Exports