Contacts is where you collect information about your attendees. There are numerous pre-built contact fields within EventsAir - you choose which ones you want to include as part of your registration process.
When you set up the Contact module (in the Setup Panel), you have these options:
Preferences - these are optional, user-defined fields you may wish to include in the interactive online registration process.
Dietary Requirements - these are optional Dietary Requirements that you can assign to attendees and their guests through either the Attendee Panel or through online registration. These requirements can be reported on and shared with food and beverage vendors in reports or through the Dietary Requirements Portal.
Contact Action - these are optional items you can create to help you manage communications and other actions with your contacts. Commonly used preferences include:
Follow-up Required
Send Confirmation
Send Collateral
Identifying fields that contain Personal Data
For purposes of managing data privacy of its attendees, fields containing personally identifiable data in the Contact record are recognized as private by default (i.e. name, email, photo, address, phone, social media, IP Address).
However, many other fields in EventsAir have the potential of containing personal data.
These fields include:
Contact User Defined Fields
Note Types
Marketing Tags
Custom Fields
To comply with data and privacy regulations, you should review any fields that you or your team have created and mark those fields as containing personal data if applicable. This is used by EventsAir to identify these fields for reporting to attendees, and when anonymizing or deleting a contact record for data privacy reasons.